One Year Post-Dobbs

You’re going to read a lot of Dobbs memorial statements today. You’re going to hear over and over that Roe was the floor. You’re going to see infographics after photo sets after newsletters.

We are, too. 

Today, we invite you to marvel at the ways abortion advocates in this work can turn a phrase. The way we manage to stand up every time we are knocked down. The way we let joy flow through us, even when everything hurts. 

A year into this, and everything is different–and also very much the same. Funding abortions while minding the local everchanging legislative tides changed our pace, strengthened our policies, and affirmed our ability to be like water in these times; fluid and flexible around change. We’ve always had to fight stigma, we’ve always had to work overtime to free ourselves, we’ve always wanted more than Dobbs and Roe.

What hasn’t changed is abortion is still legal in both Carolinas. We’re still talking to callers, feeling momentarily steady when we’re able to make the gears turn for someone, hearing the relief in their voice. We’ve pledged nearly $75k in funding and over $9k in practical support this month in anticipation of #SB20 going into effect July 1st in North Carolina (the most money we have ever pledged in a single month, ever). In South Carolina, we’re anticipating movement on the 6-week ban temporarily being held at bay–and though we shudder to think about what will transpire if that dam breaks, we remain resigned to showing up. 

Today, we hope you look around your community and see the impacts for all the good and ugly they might be. We hope your clinics are running, full of brave and fearless providers and escorts. We hope your movement has only gotten stronger over this year, and that the people you’ve met have brought you the joy you needed to fight another day. We hope your local abortion fund is gaining donors and sustainers (hello!) and that more folks than ever are getting more than their needs met–but getting their wants and their wishes, too. We hope the innovation of the community to fill the gaps has been more visible and beautiful than ever before. If not now, then inevitably.

CAF Admin